Ahoy Me Hearties!
Opinions of the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie?
Big. Silly. Ridiculous. Fun. (And the beginning's somewhat creepy) Excellent post-assignment hand-in nonsense!
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I'm going to see it at the weekend, methinks.
Oooh, its really good! It looked absolutely stunning. It was darker (talking in disney terms) than the other two, and very entertaining. Its one of those films that you exit the cinema feeling like you've just indulged in a feast.
I'd go in to more details but don't want to give anything away <!-- s;) --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/cats/ditzy.gif" alt="wink" title="wink" /><!-- s;) -->
Stupid. I enjoyed it, but if I'd paid the £6 or £7 it costs for the cinema these days, I'd feel really quite cheated.
It's really really really long, isn't it? We didn't get an interval on the one we went to.
My mum fell asleep twice while watching it.
Saw it opening night!
I thought it was a-ma-zing!
I guess that's probably from the, what seemed like forever, waiting for it to come out.
Waiting to finally get something else BESIDES the crakin eating Jack!
That cliffhanger was so ANNOYING!
But ahoy for the 4th!
woot! >.<
SHITE! So up its own arse and a distinct lack of comedy. Too many plots not enough resolution.
So up its own arse and a distinct lack of comedy. Too many plots not enough resolution.
It wasn't any worse than the ones before it, though.
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