Black Swan

I didn't know how to feel about this movie until I heard a positive review of it from NPR... so I decided to buy it on DVD before seeing it otherwise.

If you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It's got all the makings of a chick-flick, but with a lot of dark, grim attributes that make it interesting.

For those of you who have seen it, what do you think about it? I think it has a really powerful message.

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14 replies since 17th April 2011 • Last reply 17th April 2011

I found it was boring, but I loved the way it was filmed

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I thought the movie was terrible: boring and a waste of time. The story line was good, but they made it boring with all the unimportant bits in between. I loved the costumes too, but that also didn't make the movie worth my money at the cinema. I really regretted wasting my money to go see it.

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Oh, I loved the ballet costumes for practice! Like layering and stuff.

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I thought it was the creepiest flippin' movie ever and regret watching it. The filming was amazing but the story itself was disgusting and insane.

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How was it disgusting?

At first I thought it was hard to follow, but after sitting down and thinking about it for a while, it started to click together pretty quickly.

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That's the best word that I can use to describe it however it does not properly convey my thoughts. (Sorry, thought of that after i posted it)
I did not like the film at all from the metal illness clips/scenes, "death", mother... The only thing I liked was the ballet.

Some movies have helped, or perhaps brought to light, mental illnesses, homosexuality, etc but I feel that this one has done the opposite.

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I adored it. & to Lacey, the movie was about the 'dark side' of the dance community and how the stresses of constantly trying to be perfect can affect people (specifically women); not 'bringing to light' homosexuality... The only thing I didn't like was that there wasn't nearly enough dancing.

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I thought it was okay. :/ I agree the filming/costumes/actors/ were all good.
But Im really surprised it nominated/won so many awards tho. I liked it, but it was one of those movies i wouldnt see over & over, ya know?
Most the movie was kinda blah to me mostly (& i love thrillers/and movies about crazy people!). The ending was the best part (when she FINALLY danced) but it was too short lived. If the rest of the movie was that exciting, it wouldve been better.

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I agree that there was not enough dancing. However, wouldn't the "dark side" of dancing be more about eating disorders, back stabbing, etc rather than mental illness?

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I think it does more than bring to light the mental illness/grim perfectionism that came come with intense art like ballet.

I thought, that through all of it, they were stating that sometimes to achieve the greatness you want and to be the best at something, you end up killing a big part of yourself.

Maybe I'm overthinking it... lol

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monika I don't think that you are, the film is very complex its trying to show lots of different things. I don't think that it was ment to bring light to mental illnesses its trying to show the darker more complex side. Its been made to make us understand what it can be like for some people with mental illnesses. I can't say that I enjoyed the film because I don't think you are ment too. However I thought it was a good film. and the costumes were amazing.

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[Black Swan was actually my inflight movie a few weeks ago. Behind me there were about seven or eight upper elementary schoolers (they were all in the 8-9 range), I don't know if they watched it though, but I just thought that was sort of funny.]

I don't know why but I actually really didn't like it. Normally I love films that are like Black Swan, I recognized many elements that I love to see in film, but it didn't add up for me. :/
I thought there we some truly amazing scenes though, mainly the one where she walks down the hallway and her other self smirks and brushes by. I also loved the ending and thought that it made the entire film worth the watch.

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I really liked all the aspects of the movie, especially since it was a movie that made me keep thinking about it to piece it together better.

I think the beauty of the movie is that it's not a movie that you can just sit down and mindlessly eat popcorn to. It makes people uncomfortable, and I like that in a movie.

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I very much I like active thought movies too but this just didn't click for me. But I definitely respect it as a film and all the hard work that went into it.
Have you ever seen Requiem For a Dream? It's in the same sort of vein as Black Swan.

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