New Years Resolution?

i want to stop biting my nails - so I've painted them and I'm chewing loads of gum to help me stop. i've tried loads of times before but I'm hoping I'll stick at it this time!
And I want to take up some kind of exercise so I can buy a crop top/bikini for the summer. I've got a good workout plan I just need to get off my bum & do it!
There's loads of other stuff I want to do (ie. write a book) but those two will do for now Happy

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8 replies since 3rd January 2011 • Last reply 3rd January 2011

Mine most definately is to ONLY BUY ONE CRAFT ITEM A MONTH!!!I have stuck to it so far!!!!!! (only 2 days in though lol!)

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My new years resolution is to have NO new years resolutions this year ;-) It just gives me loads of stress to remember these things and I get mad at myself if I break them.
So this year no resolutions for me!

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mine is to learnt to crochet and knit Happy managed to figure out 1 stitch type so far with my crochet Happy woo!! haha

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It takes 21 days to make a habit! Keep it up with the resolutions. Happy

I am making mine to journal more frequently (once/week) and I bought a little calendar to help make notes of each day. Just a note or two. It's really a small calendar.

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My new years resolution is to do more swaps, if the post office will allow it, that is. I seem to have problems with my international mail so I'm hoping to swap with someone who can register their packages and I will do the same

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I don't really make resolutions because I don't usually keep them, but things I need to do are:

> More swaps
> Lose weight
> Considering making an online crafting shop??

I haven't got anything else in mind atm :S

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Be kind to myself.
Work more in collaboration.
Decide just what I am going "to do"

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I have lots of them this year - but they are all very attainable:
- Improve the consistency of my home yoga and hooping practice
- Make enough money selling feathers to cover my concert habit
- Improve my relationship by swearing off tequila shots Happy
- Focusing on patience and tolerance in difficult situations
- Getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night
- Finally start writing all the recipes in my head for upcoming cookbook!

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