CARNIVAL carnevale!

Do you celebrate carnival where u live?
in Italy the most famous one is held in Venice, but everywhere else people dresses up and there are streets parede... sort of halloween Happy and time for crafting!
this year my friends and I are planning to go to a party as a group: I was thinking about Alice in wonderland.
Do you have any idea?

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6 replies since 1st February 2010 • Last reply 1st February 2010

alice in wonderlandd sounds great!
yeah, we celebrate carnivel(carnaval in dutch) in the south part of the netherlands. i'm not sure what i'm gonna do then, since i cant really go out (i'm not 16 yet.
but i'll see. costume might be banana in payamas.

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whaha bananas in pyamas xD coowl Happy well, I'm not sure wat to do with carnaval :S last year was nice but not repetingmaterial xD it whas nice because it was al spontanious end stuff, nou my friend what to do the exect same thing but i don'd think that is such a good idea, and I have the same problem as Suzi P, i'm not 16 yet so I can't get into the cool clubs, ans the ones I can get in, are clubs wheare the securety isn't so good so i don't think i woul'd even want to get in one of those :S so mabey I'll skip this year and just do it duble so good next year (when I'm 16 xD)

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You should to throw a house party!
I've done this many times when I was your age and we always had fun! once we dressed up like the 4 elements ( earth, air, fire and water, i was water ^^ )

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that is a coowl idea Happy i dind't think of that before xD let's hope my parents will not ruen the idea Tongue ty ^^

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Ooh, that sounds fun. I wish we had cool stuff going on like that in Vegas. But, there is no culture here what so ever. But, I did go to Mardi Gras when I lived in Louisiana. (=

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I live in Calgary Canada and teach at the Italian school. We're celebrating Carnevale. Otherwise we celebrate Shrove Tuesday, and eat pancakes

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