
I have so many lying around and I don't know what to do with them
Any ideas?

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5 replies since 18th January 2008 • Last reply 18th January 2008

Depending on how many you have and the style you could make a sun catcher string ( fishing line, string your beads and at the end, place a crystal . Hang in a window)
what about a beaded curtain? A strip of wood, string your beads and staple to back of board. when finished, hang board in doorway, in the closet, or make a curtain!

There are so many things to do with beads!!! Hope my ideas help!

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I love beads.... you could make ACTs with them (Artist Trading cards) if you have a bunch that are the same kind but different colors you could glue them on with a glue gun in a cool design making a rainbow, or a flower, or a kaleidescope effect. Hell, you could most likely use any size or same and just go wild with them with the kaleidescope one. hehehe i love ACTs

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You guy's have such amazing

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You could melt them down and make cool plastic things with them!

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I tried that once
but it made a huge smell

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