I need help with Resin!

So I bought my casting resin and the catalyst to make resin charms, but I'm still not sure how to do what I want.
- can I use molds I have in my house?
- does it have to be an accurate measurement?
-where should I go to do this?
- what should I use?
*Please Help*

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4 replies since 1st February 2010 • Last reply 1st February 2010

one thing i know about resin, is you can use molds you already have in your house..pretty much any mold..just don't use those rubbery ones..the resin can stick to those..ruining the mold.

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I'm having the same problem too. I looked online and found these sites:


Hope they help!!

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Thanks! I'm really excited to start. I'm either gonna go outside or open a window and work right by it. Happy

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I'd suggust using baby powder before you start. I rub some on my mold and it seems to help them come out better.

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