rag doll halloween costume help

well ive been thinking about this for a few days and i decided to post this here. if this is in the wrong thread sorry sorry.

okay i am going to a party on Halloween where you dress up. i have this idea in my head and i have most of the stuff i need to make a rag doll costume. its evil/dark themed.

okay i have a wig, and i have the shoes and instead of the dress a rag doll would wear - i wanted to add bondage pants. so i have the bondage pants.. but i have no idea what kind of top i should make. my mind keeps coming up blank. i have no idea what kind of shirt/top will work with the kind of pants and wig i have. i am working with a red/black theme. any ideas will help greatly.
thanks ~rayne

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7 replies since 5th September 2010 • Last reply 5th September 2010

Don't forget to boday paint your stiches onto your elbows, knees, and neck Happy Sounds like a really good costume.

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Starting from the top.
Add red roses and long red ribbons to your wig along with a few plastic spiders and grubs.....LOL
Try a black vest top with thin straps.
Add a long sleeved net top. Rip the sleeves to long strips up to elbow level.
Add a red waist clincher....I will tell you how to make one cheap at the end.
For a bit of fun you could get/make a black mini tutu. Add strips of fabric for a more tatty ragged feel.
Wear red and black striped arm warmers. Can be made cheaply from socks.
Make your face up using really light make up. Draw your eyebrows higher (after masking your real ones).Make your eye make up larger than life. Don't forget the black eyeliner...take it way out to the side to give a cartoon eye. Use rouge in a circle pattern for your cheeks. Lips should be red. You could try doing just the middle to look more doll like. Think Evil Manga!
Wear shoes like Mary Janes. Or pumps with skulls on.

To make a waist clincher....cheats way
Find an old straight skirt that is too big by a couple of sizes.
Measure down from the waist band how long you want the clincher.
Cut across without cutting through the zip.
The zip may be at the back or the side. It doesn't really matter.
Take the waistband off and turn upside down. The shape is more in line with the body that way.
Cut down the centre front. These edges are turned inwards and hemmed. Add eyelets and thread black ribbon through them.
You can alter the fit by taking in down the side seams. Best to get a friend to pin you in.
If the zip is too long stitch over the teeth to keep the end together.
If you are lucky to have a metal stay bar on the end you can take it off then cut the zip and put it back on. You need to take a few teeth of the bottom of each side of the zip to have fabric to put the bar onto.
Get into and out of it by loosening the ties and using the zip.

Hope this has given you some ideas x

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wonderful ideas, thank you both. you even gave me a few ideas to embellish on. ^_^ i am so excited i want to work on this right now!

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You're welcome Happy

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Have fun making your outfit. Forgot to say try second hand and thrift shops for materials Happy

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once i finish my project i will take some pictures to share

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Also dont forget most rag dolls have yarn as hair .. So if you add some yarn to your wig to make it it look like your hair is sew on it will look more realistic. If you're going for the whole "real look" i painted my face porclin like and made it look tatered. fake eye lashes are cool too. like feather ones. im pretty sure you can buy them for like 3 bucks at walmart..

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