
Let's see what can be said about me, Jamie! I was born on October 10, 1985 in a small town in Florida. I have pretty much lived here my whole life, I moved to NC once, but came home shortly after I left! I live with my husband Eric, whom is not only the love of my life but my best friend. I enjoy crafting very much. Just to name a few, I love to make jewelry, duck tape accessories,crochet,and grape vine wreaths. My family was never very wealthy so I made stuff for fun when I was younger, and it grew into a very active hobby of mine. I have recently gotten into making items with polymer clay. I love making things with my own two hands, it's very fulfilling to me. I love to sleep and watch tv as well. I have one dog, a rat terrier named Tido Pierre. If they ever create a bumper sticker for me it would say "Will Brake for Beading, Crafts, Dogs, and Duck Tape!" hehehe. I love meeting new people and learning new things. "Creativity is what is in your heart, not just your mind."

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