
i am a girl with a dream. i love fashion. its my thing, i always draw pictures of outfits i'd love to make. I've been searching the internet for a while for a website that taught and showed me how to make anything and everything. then i found this one. it was pimped out. i was also working on a project. im re doing my room and wordrobe. i want it all to be spacy and casual and chic. 50's ish you know?well message me if you have anything cool!!
with love,
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°Buzzy B°
°Buzzy B°
Hey Sweetums!
Yea, i can't wait too! we can have it in my room. We can have sleepingbags on the floor and you can bring candles, and i'll turn on my lava lamp. I want my room to be nice, warm, and cozy!! Hmmm...wat else....?
Well, yea, i'll ttyl
/Buzzy B