I love making things
I used to make dolls houses out of food containers when I was little
My dream is to do a trolly dash at a hobbycraft store
I mostly make things to give as gifts or use myself
I am always looking for inspiration
I used to make dolls houses out of food containers when I was little
My dream is to do a trolly dash at a hobbycraft store
I mostly make things to give as gifts or use myself
I am always looking for inspiration
Find SUE F. on
http://www.firemountaingems.com/beading_howtos/howtos_results.asp?PageNo=1&kwsearch=fmgvid%5F0802&numOfResults=20&multicategory1=projects&multicategory2=tutorialsRecent Activity
- published their project Creative Minds Don't See Rubbish 09 Oct 10:49
- favorited Camera Case 18 Feb 06:20
- commented on their comment O Yes thank you to Bottle Cap Stampers 20 Mar 23:54
- commented on their comment I keept thinking about buying one of these but now I will make this thank you to Ink Applicator Tutorial 20 Mar 23:47
- commented on their comment Creative I like it to Create A Scoop For Glitter 20 Mar 23:42
- commented on their comment Great Idea i will try theese and waite for the comments to Earbud Earings 09 Oct 18:40
- commented on their comment This is all mint to be FUN making silly things It doesn’t matter how naff it is the idea is to be creative Your comments tell me that you are very immature and do not care at all about how people feel when they read them I am sad for you Karla and... to Karla B. 14 Feb 19:39
- followed Chelsea K. 11 Feb 02:13
- commented on their comment Great idea would they ever make it to the fridge ? to Chocolate Spoons 07 Feb 00:21
Joined 2008

Courtney Couture
Keller, Texas, US
20 projects
OMG chocolate and cats!! YAYS!!

Chelsea K.
Fargo, North Dakota, US
8 projects
Hey thanks for the friend request! I wanted to come over here to wish you a Happy Valentines Day and to tell you to keep crafting because you defiantly got some talent. I wish I could knit as good as you

Chelsea K.
Fargo, North Dakota, US
8 projects
Good job for telling Karla off she called me a "fucking push over" and supposedly I try to hard to make people like me. I personally just added your strawberries to my favorites lol I love strawberry shortcake