I am a personal chef in Santa Rosa, CA and love gourmet vegetarian food. I often cook with my husband, for friends and family. I also enjoy knitting and crocheting, especially amigurumi. I have been writing a food blog for a few months www.figswithbri.com and am getting better at it.
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- commented on their comment This is really fun! I absolutely love visual puns and always pop an olive in my husband's mouth, saying "Olive you!". I'll have to try these out. Thanks for putting them up! to Knitted Olive 01 Feb 22:36
- commented on their comment Glad it makes sense now Carly. Maybe I should have written out "Cup" rather than the "C." abbreviation. Let me know if you make it. The amount of sugar you use will really vary depending on how tart your cranberries are, how sweet your pineapple jui... to Citrus Cranberry Sauce with Pineapple Juice 23 Dec 04:33
- commented on their comment Hi Carly, It means that 1/2 C. of sugar wasn't quite enough for the level of sweetness I was looking for, so I added another 1 Tbs. So, in recipes, people will often write 1 C. + 2 tsp. "such and such" as a way of telling you the exact quantity they ... to Citrus Cranberry Sauce with Pineapple Juice 23 Dec 01:12
- commented on their comment Thanks! Well, it is that time of year again for cranberries to find their place on the table. to Citrus Cranberry Sauce with Pineapple Juice 20 Nov 03:01