
At the moment, I'm a stay-at-home Momma to my two boys and soon to be daughter, hoping to jump back in school soon to pursue a pharmaceutical degree and possibly go for being a midwife. I'm super open-minded when you can give me facts, but I don't bode well with stupidity. I am first and foremost a Momma. My life is wonderful! Somehow, I'm switching into an earth Momma. Make my own baby food, cloth diapering, babywearing, co-sleeping, homeschooling, intactivist, lactivist, ebf, anti-vax'ing, etc. I'm an officer of a Breastfeeding group, help run a crunchy playgroup, and just recently joined a really awesome homeschool group as well. I'm married to a talented guitarist who has many projects in his lap but also is doing pretty well in the day job scene. Life's pretty dandy.

I love to crochet and run a fb business www.facebook.com/crunchycrochet
I'm also soon to take up hand sewing and hopefully get started on midwife education and being a proficient lactation consultant.

-Being lonely
- Racisim
- Old people's underwear
- Being hot
- The sun
- Physical and Mental Abuse
- Closeminded ignorant people
- Wasting my time
- Fakeness

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