
I am an introvert doing a job that seems like it belongs in the world of the extrovert. I spend my days teaching. I enjoy the work and when the lightbulb goes on in a student, it's better than any drug you'll ever find.

I believe that my friends are some of the most amazing people and I will go to the ends of the earth for them. They are amazingly interesting and creative people who often challenge me mentally. I enjoy learning new things from them and sharing knowledge and time with them.

I am creative and eccentric. I have never been "mainstream" or "normal" and I've never really noticed that I don't exactly fit in because I believe that everyone is quirky. It's just that some of us wear it on the outside rather than bury it inside. I just happen to be one of the "outside" people.

I love mismatched clothes, chucks, punky haircuts, hand made OoaK jewelry, clothing, and body modification.

I believe in making lives interesting. A tiny note left where few people will notice it can inject a bit joy into a stranger's life. A moment taken to pay a stranger's toll will make them smile for the rest of the day. Taking just a second to compliment a stranger lets them know that someone noticed the care they have put into themselves today.

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