
Hi my name is Ashley Elizabeth Paintsil. I am going to college next year and after college i hope to go to Harvard Business School or the Wharton School of Business at University of Pennsylvania, so I can learn how to make some money! After Iplan to study costume, fashion, haute couture design in New Yok or Paris. My Heros are Jesus Christ, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama ( Best President Ever!), Warren Buffet, Bill Gates and MLK Jr. I strive to Live my life like these people. I hope to become billionare off of my business pursuits ( actually I'm pretty sure I'll be one LOL)!, My favorite desingners are Marchesa, Marc Jacobs, Tracy Reese, John Galliano, The Olsen Twins, etc. ( It wold tke a lifetime to tell you all of them.) I am about to launch my T-shirt, earring and bag line. I hope to do it before i go to college in the fall. i'm still playn around with names for the company! i you hve any sugestions?... HIT ME UP ON MY PROFILE!
AShley Paintsil
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