Tiny Tea Swap

32 replies since 9th January 2012 • Last reply 9th January 2012

Hey everyone I just want to make clear how we're doing this swap were sending to two people and then receiving from two others. So for example
I send to Mary and Suzanne but I only recive from mary and Lexi. So whoever is next to your name you send to and whoever has your name you recive from Happy

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i'll be mailing tomorrow

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Forgot to say - I sent first thing on Tuesday morning Happy

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I thought I would be mailing today, but so far I havent had a call from the shop that has my car Happy It was supposed to be done a week ago! geesh, but as soon as I get it back (hopefully this weekend) I will run to the post office and mail out my stuff. I promise <3

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I'll probably send out monday or tuesday since I'm staying with a friend this weekend.

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i was going to mail the other day , but i was away and didnt get chance to, however i am back now so i will get my half sent asap. i also received from both suzanne and mary, thank you ladies x

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Suzanne yours will be taking a bit longer Happy I mailed out mary's yesterday, but I remembered that I sent all my sad to home with my mom when she visited. So I'll just have make a trip to the beach to grab some Happy No worried though I should be able to get up there this afternoon. Its a great excuse to take my dog and hubby for a car ride lol. I'll let you know as soon as I mail it out.

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Ahw.. Thank you so much Pam!

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I got Mary's tea today! How exciting Happy
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/pascailpamela/6832568555/" title="Tea Swap From Mary by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7154/6832568555_f0165558dc.jpg" width="500" height="374" alt="Tea Swap From Mary"></a>
The inside of the card says
"Computer...Tea. Earl Grey. Hot." -Cpt. Picard
Even in space they drink tea!

Lol I love it! I laughed so hard! I love Cpt. Picard <3 Also I am so glad mary sent me the chocolate mint tea! She sent me some once before and it was awesome! I already made the minty green tea and it is delicious Happy I'll save the caramel one for later!


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Oh and also just for fun, here is a picture I took yesterday of Sunset Beach on the North Shore of O'ahu, Hawaii! I snapped a few pictures while walking my dog and getting sand for Suzanne. Look at the waves! They were so big 0_0

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/pascailpamela/6833677737/" title="Untitled by pamela pascali, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7165/6833677737_b5b5c4872b.jpg" width="500" height="374" alt=""></a>

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Wow. really amazing Pam!
Today I found out I made something for this swap, but I totally forgot it and didn't include it. Stupid me...

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I got Dragonfly's tea today ^_____^ (me very, very happy!)

<a target='_blank' title='ImageShack - Image And Video Hosting' href='http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/707/cok009.jpg/'><img src='http://img707.imageshack.us/img707/900/cok009.jpg' border='0'/></a>

As you can see, she sent me three different varieties of tea and a wonderful envelope - I was scared to break it by opening it! I spent at least 15 minutes trying to figure out if there was another way of getting my tea out without opening it ^____^°°°

The strong green minty tea (the one in the sachets) it's already gone: when I came home today we were sporting an amazing -12 degrees Celsius (jep, that's 10 degrees F, people) and I must say your green tea with plenty of sugar was the best thing to come home to. Thank you very very much! ^_____^

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mailed to both suzanne and pam today. sorry for the delay girls

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Lexi, I've recieved your envelope saturday.
I haven't tried one yet, but the pomgranate Pizzazz sounds great

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I got Lexi's tea yesterday Happy it all looks very yummy! I can't wait to try them. Thanks Lexi!

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