Arrr, Pirate Swap!

126 replies since 20th September 2010 • Last reply 20th September 2010

@SparrowFae ~ Might have to agree with you there, I loves me Jack Daniels Happy

@Ginger Snapped ~ are you signing up or are you just expressing your love for the pirates?! Yar! Lol

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I have batten down the hatches and have made peace with the sea. Aye, be you willin' t' post outside o' my country if needed Happy

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I'd like to join all you scallywags, arrrr....

Name: Nora C

Country: Ashore with the landlubbers in Caledonia (Scotland, UK)

They be treacherous waters, but I be willin' to send my parcel across the stormy seas to far off lands!

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Yay! *cough* Yar, glad ye could join Rhibi and welcome t' Nora Happy

Partners announced in a an hour or two!!

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<b>Here it is.... Partner Time!!</b>

If there be any problems with partners then please message me, aarr. This be my first hosting a swap so first time partnerin’ people up n’ have done it the best way I can think of.

Here goes:

Rhibi & Zina
Kiddo & Melissa
SparrowFae & Jeanette
Sugarlishes & SpookySweetie
Gigi & Nora
Laurel & Ruby

Go get craftin’ maties!! Message your partners for likes and dislikes (obviously as a 'pirate' swap the theme is already there for you so this will be quite open). Now don’t go walkin’ the plank!!


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Arrr me an' me scurvy crew be off pillagin' fer supplies.
Look alive lads and don't ferget the rum, it be treacherous waters we be a'crossin'

You might've guessed I've read Treasure Island once or twice lol

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Yay! I love Melissa!

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*blushes* awwww thanks, i love you too Kiddo!

anything with Skulls is perfect for me.... PM me with any dislikes!

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Allright! Let's get crafting our treasures! ^^

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Haahaa reading all the pirate talk made me giggle Happy

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Does everyone know who there partner is?! I can't change the thread title so can't make people aware of it. Shall I message everyone who hasn't posted after the partners were posted? :S

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SparrowFae and I have already been messaging each other and are very excited about the swap Happy

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Wicked, so that should be everyone that knows.

Craft your little hearts out maties!! Yar!

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I am still torturing my prisoner for information before proceeding to the open water!

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