What you would get if you could!

50 replies since 19th August 2008 • Last reply 19th August 2008

I really like the fourth one, looks like it would be a nice shape =)

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It's really turning into "If I could..." They just canceled my order. Without telling me. I'm just going to... ugh.

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I would love to take my boyfriend to Paris, he always wanted to go.

and for me an american apparel turtleneck dress.

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I would get a waist training corset, some new boots (the ones I got for free on the side of the road are coming apart), all the zines and books I want, a new amplifier for my guitars, guitar lessons, and a cure for cystic fibrosis for my boyfriend.

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what I'd get is a new coat...but I can!

Happy <a href="http://www.additionsdirect.co.uk/rf/add/navigation/product.do?Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&SNtt=coat&Ns=prod_in_stock%7c1%7c%7cprice_est%7c0%7c%7cbrand_txt%7c%7cprod_min_base_price%7c1%7c%7cscu_id%7c1&Nao=60&groupId=499399409&Nu=this_product&SNtk=littlewoods_search&Np=1&SN=85+151&Ntt=499399409&D=499399409&Ntk=group_search&Dx=mode%2bmatchall&thisprod=499340124&N=85+151&Nty=1&Mis_item_id=15&Mis_item_loc_id=1&product=499340124&pageSize=12">New coat!<a/> Happy

RF - that's lovely about the cure, well if you could get one Happy

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Aaw I'm sorry Rainbow =( I would also get a waist training corset though.

That coat is hot Queenie! There's this amazing St Martins one I want but I've lost it

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Coat came today!!! I wasn't sure when I first tried it on I always feel about 5 times bigger and taller in a coat, like all frumpy but it's really lovely, I love the way it's sort of Victorian with the way the back goes and like a corset around my torsoe ( it makes my hips look curvier!) but modern too and 'military' with the buttons Happy I hope these coats aren't going to be fashionable, they probably will be with it being additions.com although I half do hope so then I don't get all uncomfortable, I don't care what other people think about my wardrobe choices, it's just fucking annoying when they think they can tell you!

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Pictures! I wanna see how it looks.

It's so annoying that this shopping centre is opening on Thursday and I have no money for it.

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I got my shoes! Soo, soo happy.

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Ooh, pictures?

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I got my mum to take a pic but she can't take pictures very well so no pics, just look at the websites pic...looks kinda like that, I don't look as cool as that model though lol

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Pics on request: Happy


Ignore my short pants, I normally wear those with ballerina flats and not 3.5 inch heels ^_^ and also my bamboo socks. I couldn't find my black ones for the picture. Also, balancing on a tub to take pictures is HARD. @_@

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I would get eyelash extensions !

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Those shoes look really good on you!

Cabot Circus opened today, MASSIVE stores and Harvey Nichols and stuff. I really wish I had money =(

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I would like a whole new(well vintage) wardrobe.

sigh, Oscar De La Renta gowns, Bill Bass, Pucchi... one can dream

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