where are you from whats in style

91 replies since 14th July 2008 • Last reply 14th July 2008

I don't know why, but I hate cowboy boots unless they are on a cowboy!

I've found TWO pair of cowboy boots that I like with a normal outfit, but thats it! I don't know why, but I feel like I'm missing out on something!

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I have to say I hate cowboy boots too, unless they are on cowboy/girls. I remember when they were in a few years ago and everyone and his sister was wearing them, I just find them so ugly and then people only wear them coz they are "in".

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I like them but I think all this at the moment is silly, line dancing clothes!!! My mum wanted cowboy boots since the 80s when they were in fashion then once but she has size 9 feet! She had to get mens ones but the mens ones shed seen before had been too manly, these are nice and she got them in New York Happy

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There is a style that I LOVE! Like.. one of my perfect men would wear this.

A tee shirt, a blazer, some dark wash jeans, converse, and yea... its amazing. Happy

i love that tee shirt with blazer thing... And I REALLY want a blazer now!!!

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I'd love to get my boyfriend in a blazor, he only wears one when he wears a suit mm mike in a suit..he has a very simple style, tshirt, trainers, jeans and a hoodie and everything is mostly blue and designer names but it is a good look Happy he's like quietly stylish he has work trousers with lines on them in squares, which surprised me. He's recently started wearing lots of sport shirts though which I don't like so much but he still looks purdy.

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The only time I can get my boy to wear a blazer is when he is wearing a t-shirt underneath it...plus a pair of his sneakers (he has 15 pairs or something ridiculous).

And I agree, I love the look!

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I like my cowboy boots cause they're not PROPER cowboy boots. They're just nice boots that are vaguely cowboy-ish, so they look good with anything.

Hehe I love Russell Brand and his rootin'-tootin' boots.

My fella only ever wears long sleeved tshirts and jeans, but he's told me that if I get him a waistcoat and a pinstripe shirt he'll wear them with jeans which I think would look loooovely

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*nods* oo yes Happy lots of boys are scared of new things 'it has yellow on it no way!'

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that would be delightful!

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oh Gosh, I live in Newfoundland...The people here are so far behind in fashion or they are trying way to hard to be in tune with the new IT trend.

I guess leggings and tshirts right now, and girl are wearing these oversized sweaters with jeans(but girls have been doing that here since I was like a Pre-teen)

I think I am way out there...I wear vintage...I like clean classic styling, less is more.

here its like more is more

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Capes? OMG! I'll be right there!!! Happy

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TUTUS!!!! like the kind crafters make! I am not impressed! They're like 12 quid, neon and short for clubbers. I swear, they're nicking our ideas and stuff, I've seen cupcake themed stuff, russian doll things and japanese doll things!

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dude, they totally rip us off, or susie bubble.[of style bubble-she has loads of DIY fashion on her blog]

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yeh today I saw little fabric brooches like the kind people make here! I can't remember how much they were...I was annoyed again

although they are using themes I like, like alice and wonderland! got these earrings today Happy

so at least I found something I liked, folk/bohemian/hippy stuff is in again and I love that style and I saw this gorgeous dress in a shop a few weeks ago but it wasn't there today Happy

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I'm from Calgary, Canada and the styles really vary! I think what's 'in' and 'hip' right now would be the indie-vintage style.

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