Painting with Nail Polish

I was sitting in my room, contemplating the meaning of the universe when I came up with the brilliant idea of painting my flashlight/lantern with glow-in-the-dark nail polish. But then, after careful consideration, I remembered that nail polish is flammable and it probably won't glow forever. So here are my questions to you, the amazing readers of CO+K:

1. Is it safe to paint my flashlight/lantern with nail polish?

2. How long would the glow last?

3. What have you painted with nail polish?

BTW The flashlight/lantern looks like this:

I was gonna paint the top and maybe parts of the bottom.

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7 replies since 17th May 2012 • Last reply 17th May 2012

that looks like a pretty powerful lamp I think it would work for how long, I don't know maybe you could paint a spot on it and try it out. I think as long as you don't get it on the glass it should be fine.

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Glow in the dark paints can glow for anywhere from 20 minutes to 4 hours depending on the quality. Glow in the dark nail polish tends to glow between 30 minutes and an hour and a half if you use multiple coats.
You of course wouldn't want to paint the lantern while it's on, but nail polish isn't so flammable that it would catch on fire when it's been dried and is close to a lightbulb. You would probably just not want to keep the light on for more than a few hours at a time.

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Your lamp looks pretty strong. Painting it would probably be fine, just not to much and not on the bulb or the glass. Plus I wouldn't leave the flashlight on for more than a few hours or leave it unsupervised. The glow would last probably last a few days maximum depending on the quality. The only things I've painted with nail polish are jewelry pieces that I want to have a new look or various things that I want to make a neon color that paint couldn't give me.

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You probably wouldn't want to paint it with nail polish since it wouldn't last long. You could paint it with glow in the dark paint! Just be sure you don't paint it directly onto the bulb or glass as stated above. The heat from the bulb might cause the paint to react and get all sticky.

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i found some glow in the dark paint, i painted it on last night and it's still a little sticky...may have used too much...

thanx for the help u guys!

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Does glow in the dark spray paint exist?

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it totally exists

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