Phone apps

Hi Tom,
I had some recent feedback that people found it difficult to navigate screens on mobile devices.
Not sure if you could work on this or develop Minnie B idea of an online feed update-just an idea for a New Year challenge ;0)

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5 replies since 19th December 2010 • Last reply 19th December 2010

I agree. It would be AMAZING if you could make a little 99 cent app for us iPhone/iTouch users!

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Ohh we'd love to do this... fingers crossed for one in 2011 Happy

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Any update on a mobile app?

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Not yet unfortunately, we're pretty busy making a brand new project uploader and then we have an exciting new feature and then we might get a chance to work on it. Sorry for the wait!

p.s. if anyone knows someone who wants to make one for us, that would be awesome!

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I'd love to do a mobile app - it's just such a huge learning curve, and it'll take time away from keeping the rest of the site up to date. I'm sure it'll happen though!

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