Best videos for a beginner?

I just started to try to teach myself how to crochet again about 2 weeks ago. I've got a couple of books that are kindof helpful, but when I try to do anything other than a chain stitch, it turns out completely wrong.

I'm looking for some really thorough videos that show how to do each kind of stitch step-by-step. My chain stitch looks great but I can't do rounds or make squares or anything.

Please help D:

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6 replies since 28th October 2011 • Last reply 28th October 2011

this site is amazing!

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This woman takes you through making amigurumi step by step, she's great

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She is my favorite, I learned how to crochet from all of her videos!

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Crochet Geek has some good vids...

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Thanks, everyone. A lot of the terms have me completely lost but I'm improving. I've been working on a square that looked great until I started the fifth row, haha. Still can't make a decent circle, though.

I wish there were crochet videos for non-crocheters. lol

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I'm just now starting out crocheting too, and I totally agree that all the video's I've watched it seems that I need to know what they are talking about to understand the concepts being portrayed. Or keep rewinding like a mad woman until I want to go insane. Happy Good luck, how's it coming along?

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