Cut Out + Keep

Modular Cardboard Wall Pockets

Make a wall pocket • Posted by AllisonDreamALittleBigger

While I'm hardly the greenest gal around I try to do my best. Turn cardboard slated for the trash into treasure. This easy DIY will help you to have fun, stylish and personalized wall pockets to help with your organizational needs!

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium sq Medium finished02 Medium finished01


While I'm hardly the greenest gal around I try to do my best. Turn cardboard slated for the trash into treasure. This easy DIY will help you to have fun, stylish and personalized wall pockets to help with your organizational needs!


  1. Small 001

    Print off your patterns and get ready to cut out your top and bottom shapes. The top is a hexagon and the bottom is a pentagon. It seems hinky but it works out in the end.

  2. Small 002

    Cut out one side and align with the center line on the other side. Use tape to affix and finish cutting out.

  3. Small 003

    Trace the bottom and top shapes onto your cardboard. Use a ruler to draw a straight line across the hexagon shape from corner to corner like above. The end shape we are looking for isn't exactly a hexagon like our pattern - so you'll need to cut your shape MINUS two of the triangles side by side - like in the image above.

  4. Small 004

    After you get your shape cut out, score the remaining lines so that you'll be able to bend the cardboard. Since mine was so heavy duty, I had to score about halfway through but you may not need to go that far - score a bit and see if you get the bend you need for a clean line. If not, score a bit deeper. Cut out your bottom, or pentagon shape, just as it is.

  5. Small 006

    ext you'll be covering your pentagon shape with one of your pieces of scrapbook paper. Use spray adhesive to cover one side of the cardboard. Allow a second or so to get tacky and then place your paper on top and smooth out. Turn over and cut a diagonal line from the edge of the paper to the corner of the pentagon.

  6. Small 007

    Fold each section in over the back and trim as necessary so that no flap is visible from the front side when folded over. Using your adhesive, spray a small amount on each flap, fold in and allow to dry.

  7. Small 005

    Now we're going to attach our front piece to our super pretty back piece. Take your front piece and get it folded in like in the picture. Notice that it makes a pentagon shape. Pretty cool, huh?

  8. Small 008

    Go ahead and place your top piece on the bottom. Take a look and see where it will be attached and get ready to glue! You'll notice that the edges don't sit on top of the pentagon, but rather immediately beside the edges. Place a thin line of hot glue on the edge of one side of the bottom piece.

  9. Small 009

    Situate your top piece quickly. Hold and allow the glue to set. Repeat for the remaining sides. Go behind and fill in any holes or gaps with your hot glue like you would caulk something.

  10. Small 011

    Now that everything is attached, it's time to make your top portion as pretty as the back! (p.s. protect the inside with some wadded up paper) Using your spray adhesive, cover one triangle and allow to get tacky. Place your paper on top and smooth down. Cut a slit from the edge of the paper to the corner of that triangle. Repeat for each triangle of the front.

  11. Small 012

    When the front is covered completely and has had a bit of time to dry, flip it over and trim up each section of the flap so as not to overlap the front of the shape.

  12. Small 013

    Turn over and trim up the paper that is overlapping the opening. Fold into the mod a couple of times and trim as necessary to make sure you get a nice, clean fit. Spray with adhesive and affix permanently.