Cut Out + Keep

Friendship Ring

A classic turned new! • Posted by I May Be Rude But I'm The Truth

So I have looked all over the internet and I have not seen this done anywhere. But I was just sitting in my room unable to sleep because of a caffeine rush and i happened to see my bag of embroidery thread. And I thought.... RING! because I'm obsessed with them lately. Anyway but i simply made a really really short friendship bracelet and tied it loose around my finger. Ring 1

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 10


Pretty Easy
Medium dscn2210 1281917501 Medium dscn2207 1281917561


So I have looked all over the internet and I have not seen this done anywhere. But I was just sitting in my room unable to sleep because of a caffeine rush and i happened to see my bag of embroidery thread. And I thought.... RING! because I'm obsessed with them lately. Anyway but i simply made a really really short friendship bracelet and tied it loose around my finger. Ring 1
