Cut Out + Keep

Beachy Treasure Jar

Some easy wire wrapping helps transform a plain jam jar! • Posted by Princess Pam-attitude

This little craft will help keep all your little beach treasures safe and still on display! With some beads, wire and creativity you can give a glass jar a new life!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
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This little craft will help keep all your little beach treasures safe and still on display! With some beads, wire and creativity you can give a glass jar a new life!


  1. Small sany2467  640x480  1293791160

    Step One is the prepwork. So remove the lable from your jar and clean it real good. Then paint your jar with craft paint and set it aside to dry.

  2. Small sany2474  640x480  1293791192

    For Step Two cut off a length of wire thats long but that you feel comfortable working with. You can always add some on later if you run out. Wrap the wire around the base of the jar's neck just once and secure it to the other end of the wire. Next loosly loop the wire up and around the wire you just wrapped around the base of the jar's neck to form a swag. Continue around the jar until you have a full layer of swags. You can add as many beads to your swag as you like! Remember to vary the tightness of the swag because they dont all have to be perfect.

  3. Small sany2477  640x480   2  1293793397

    In Step Three do the same thing as in step two, except that instead of wrapping up and around the straight piece of wire at the top, you will wrap around the bottom of a swag from the first row. This will make your second row of swags. Keep adding beads as you go and mix it up by making a few big swags and adding extra loops here and there. You can keep repeating this step to make as many layers as you like. (<-see picture)If you run out of wire along the way, don't worry! Just end it in style, with a few beads that dangle or just a few little loops. And add your next piece where your old one left off.

  4. Small sany2495  632x640  1293793423

    In Step Four you should have all your layers done. Now you can go back through and add a few extra charms where it looks a little bare, or to your last layer or swags to add a litte extra dangle!

  5. Small sany2492  640x539  1293792699

    Step Five is all about finishing touches! You can add a bow to your lid, or hot glue some shells to the top of it. Then add your little treasures to the jar to keep them safe and secure, but still on display! Or you can add some sand or chips of shells to the jar and top it off with a tealite candle and give it as a gift! The Possibilities are Endless!