Beads Unlimited is a much loved institution, supplying the beautiful people of Brighton and beyond with beads, charms, pendants, findings and threads for 25 years.
The beads are sourced directly from across the world, hand crafted miniature works of art rub shoulders with highly manufactured perfection.
We also love showing you what to do with your beads and regularly feature projects on our website and in national beading and crafting magazines.
Beadbarmy.com is our brand new blog page. It includes competitions, stories from the world of beading, top tips and just for fun quizzes.
The beads are sourced directly from across the world, hand crafted miniature works of art rub shoulders with highly manufactured perfection.
We also love showing you what to do with your beads and regularly feature projects on our website and in national beading and crafting magazines.
Beadbarmy.com is our brand new blog page. It includes competitions, stories from the world of beading, top tips and just for fun quizzes.
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- favorited Clock Ring Out Of A Coin. 27 Feb 13:26
- commented on their comment Thanks for faving my rainbow circles and mandala bracelet! to Karen P. 19 Jul 13:03
- followed Karen P. 19 Jul 13:03
- commented on their comment Thanks for faving my twisted ribbon necklace! to Tracy L. 19 Jul 13:03
- followed Tracy L. 19 Jul 13:02
- commented on their comment Thanks for faving my clusters and daggers! to Angela R. 19 Jul 13:02
- followed Angela R. 19 Jul 13:02
- commented on their comment Thanks for faving my St. Petersburg necklace! to Barb P. 19 Jul 13:01
- followed Barb P. 19 Jul 13:01
- commented on their comment Thanks for faving my sumptuous ceramic and spiral necklace! to Bani Kaur 19 Jul 13:01
- commented on their comment Thanks for faving my sumptuous ceramic and spiral necklace! to Bani Kaur 19 Jul 13:01
- followed Bani Kaur 19 Jul 13:00
Your amazing! I am an aspiring jewelery maker I will be taking classes soon. I have actually sold some of my pieces and people seem to really like them so I will give it a shot
You will probably find me faving alot of your stuff
*really* xD
CO + K User
I could only fit 5 things in the store, so go to my collection to see more =)
(if you ever think you would be able to offer an Australian backpacker a job I would be there in a second hahaha)
Thank you for sharing your talent =)
Going to check out your blog: Beadbarmy.com
gonna try it one day, if I feel I can ;-)
I have all summer though!
love your projects! ♥
CO + K User
In this deep midwinter it’s lovely to turn our thoughts to sunnier days and faraway places, but travellers beware! There’s a beading accident waiting to happen on every trip! In this sorry tale of bead and travelling woes, names have been changed to protect the foolish...
Feel free to take a look and make a comment!
You make beautifull jewelry.;-D
i just looooovvve your necklaces!
your work is amazing!!!
thank you so much=)
CO + K User
i really like your necklaces!!
well thank you soo much for
making it!<3
you are sooo amazing!!~
i love all your crafts=)
I look forward to making the Audrey Hepburn necklace when I have time for my formal >w<
CO + K User
CO + K User
Need to make another visit soon though, I have earring and nring based projects to complete.