
Why hello there ^_^

I'm 20 years old and I just moved to the city with my fiance. We've been together for 6 years- so it's not the relationship we need to get used to, it's the surviving on our own we need to get used to! Up until we moved in together, I had never EVER cooked in my life...the most creative thing I could do was add macaroni to my tomato soup. Since then, I have begun to cook my brains out, and have not eaten anything frozen or pre-prepared since I moved! I feel sooooo much healthier and it really makes you feel creative and accomplished!

Here I will be posting my favourite things to cook, both my own recipes and recipes I have found in cookbooks. This page is for all those young married couples, or just young women who have gone off to University or have moved out on their own and have NO idea how the hell to cook and don't exactly have the biggest budget!

It's not that hard once you put your mind to it!

ps: I will also be posting how much the meal will cost you, in both Canadian, American, and hopefully United Kingdom dollars Happy

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