hi! i'm gretchen. i recently moved to san francisco and i love it. i knit a lot in phases. you know those times when you just can't do anything anymore? well yeah i just got out of one of those phases and i'm back to kniting whenever my hands are free. i'd knit in class if i didn't feel like i was disrespecting my teachers too much.
i'd love to be able to put my projects up online but my camera has died a sad and slow death. i'd also love to be able to finish a project within the month i started it, but stuff happens.
thats pretty much it i guess. well for now. its not really interesting. i'm not as exciting in these about things as i am in person. i'm a lot more random in person. i don't have a chance to edit myself like i do online. not like i have this whole paragraph thing that i typed up and decided to delete things and such. i just have more space and energy in person than online. that makes sense yeah?
well yeah i'm gonna go organize things, yarn most likely.
i'd love to be able to put my projects up online but my camera has died a sad and slow death. i'd also love to be able to finish a project within the month i started it, but stuff happens.
thats pretty much it i guess. well for now. its not really interesting. i'm not as exciting in these about things as i am in person. i'm a lot more random in person. i don't have a chance to edit myself like i do online. not like i have this whole paragraph thing that i typed up and decided to delete things and such. i just have more space and energy in person than online. that makes sense yeah?
well yeah i'm gonna go organize things, yarn most likely.
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- followed carla 22 Nov 07:38
- commented on their comment then what kind of cardboard should i use? to Cardboard Weaving Loom 20 Mar 19:57
- commented on their comment hello! how are you? to CrAzY NeLLy 26 Oct 17:06
- commented on their comment hello! hello! to Esme B. 29 Sep 16:19
- commented on their comment octopi are amazing! to Octo Shirt! 28 Sep 02:51
- followed Esme B. 26 Sep 22:12
- commented on their comment thanks. my brother and i had fun during that little photo thing. man i'd love to be a tattoo artist, can't really draw tho. to CrAzY NeLLy 22 Sep 02:14
- commented on their comment hi! to minty 25 Aug 23:23
- commented on their comment hello! to flowerinthesun. 25 Aug 23:23
- commented on their comment where can i find this tubing? to Hula Hoop 25 Aug 23:22
- commented on their comment so kinda sorta like amazing! i was just talking to my friend about buying a hoop. to Hula Hoop 25 Aug 14:17
- followed CrAzY NeLLy 22 Aug 05:57
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Joined 2008

Claremont, California, US
18 projects

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
thanks for the friend add!

Claremont, California, US
18 projects
i'm good!! You?

Claremont, California, US
18 projects

michelle G.
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, CA
1258 projects
love your profile pic.

16 projects
hi, um hows it going