
My name is Alena, I'm 21yrs old and I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my son, Joshua Scott, on June 15th.

Sometimes I'm bright, sometimes I'm gloomy
At times I'm a comedian, at times I'm a bitch
In my mind the world is a tornado,
Life spinning around me at spectacular speeds,
It's why I try so hard to catch
& hold
A few precious moments
I hate the color pink,
I've always been "the tom-boy"
Now I'm going to be "the mommy"
I love unique things, because they are so rare
Be it a spectacular sunset
or a sky dark enough to see the stars
or a 60year old man with a purple mowhak
I'm a mess, I'm a disaster
with O.C.D for a middle name
A random collection of strange family throwbacks
and once-in a life-time personality traits
You'll never ever see
another person,
just like me.

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