
I never know what to say in these things.

I have a degree in Psychology, but it's not really what I want to do in life. I hope to keep going to school and get a Master's degree in Library Science or Information and Media Technology (it's library related). I would like to work in a university helping students with research papers and things like that.

I'm more of a craft lover, than a craft do-er. I WANT to do so many things, but I'm so afraid I'll mess up, I end up talking myself out of them. I mostly sew, but I recently have started learning to crochet. I really want to make amigurumis.

I live with my boyfriend of 8+ years. Someday we'll get married-I have the date picked out, now if only he'd propose-hee hee! I have 2 dogs-a greyhound and a mastiff and 3 cats. I would love to have more, but money and my small house prevent that.

If there is anything else that someone would like to know, just ask. (: