
I was once born and
they named me Julice up
until to this day.
I live. love. laugh.
I got my jewelries of friends and
coals of enemies.
I listen to music and stay up to 9:30
in the evening just like any kid would
I am a child of the Lord
I am not fun and always random
I :HEART: you and i know
you'll :HEART: me too
I used to believe in fortune cookies.
I cheated and had been cheated.
MnMs and tobleron are my medication
I prefer jeans than skirts just like
how i like blue than your pInk.
I eat siomai and...I just eat a lot.
I yearn for 21st century gizies
I listen to ABBA and Beegees just like how
much i listen to Lady Gaga and Ne-yo
I was the one who stole your boyfriend.
I am a person who dips their
Doritos and Fitas with cream cheese
I am not emo, goth, gay, lesbian,
tomboy, doubleganger, TB, or your mom.
I was just kidding a second ago.
I never thought you
would read this far.
I still watch Teletubbies with The Simpsons.
I will never live without H20.
Mom told me how i used to write on the wall,
and I guess until know I do.
I was the one who wrote this 153-word-message.
i will always love.
'nuff said