
When I wake up in the morning
Know the first thing that I think about
As I stumble down the staircase
I know that I couldn’t live a day
Without you
...You’re my sober when I’m wasted
You’re my courage when I've got a doubt
You’re my happy when I’m grumpy
You’re my smile when I’m stuck with a pout
Can’t live without you
I’m addicted, I think it’s sickness
When you’re not here I’m always a mess
You’re the weapon ‘gainst the sandman
feels so warm in my hand
Not a woman not a man that can
Live without you
From the moment that you touch my lips
It feels just like I’ve been hit a thousand volt of electricity
From the diner to the bar even driving in my car
Coffee I can’t live
Without you.
Cappuccino, frappuccino, ice blend and moca latte, black coffee,
Double shot, light taste, bold taste, italian roast, you’re the most,
Low fat, venti oz, soy milk, americana,
Coffee I can’t live without you
This song is about you
Without you

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