
I have a degree in photography. Need any photos done then give me a shout!

I love to be free and explore the country. This is an important part of my life, the feeling of being free, not caged and constant change. I'm often outdoors, sat on rocks or climbing amongst them. I love to spend a lot of time out at night due to the peacefulness and night sky, moon and stars. I'm a thoughtful and caring person although a little shy. An Agnostic truth seeker trying to find my place within the universe. I have a natural flare for all things considered artistic, especially if they need imagination. I'm into acting, general performance, music, poetry and writing literature. My main interests in life are photography, cinematography, hiking, poetry, individualism. Greek myths & legends, other mythology, philosophy, other realms/planes, alternative realities, religion, psychology and spiritualism. Watch out for the swords that may fly towards you!

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