
I like doing a little of everything. I work on computers, muscle cars, and I sew and crochet. Not alot of straight guys like sewing purses and dresses, lol, but I do what I enjoy regardless of social bias.

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Krista B.
Krista B. · Hydesville, California, US · 44 projects
Sweet! Sewing is awesome. Can't wait Happy
Krista B.
Krista B. · Hydesville, California, US · 44 projects
An awesomely strait crochet purse, is a purse that a girl/woman would love and a strait guy made it with powers of style, knowledge, and personal sexual security.
myk3l9675 · Tacoma, Washington, US
Well, my crocheting isnt the best, so it will probably be a second before I make fashion pieces with it, Happy. But I do love sewing, so thats probably where I am going to start posting projects from.
Krista B.
Krista B. · Hydesville, California, US · 44 projects
Thanks for following!! Post an awesomely strait crochet purse or something!
myk3l9675 · Tacoma, Washington, US
Lol, whats an awesomely strait crochet purse? I do plan on posting a purse for my first project, lol.
Ravens Trove
Ravens Trove · Wenatchee, Washington, US · 35 projects
Wow, thanks for the follow! Stay true to you. ;)
myk3l9675 · Tacoma, Washington, US
Thanks for the projects Happy Lots of good stuff!