I like doing a little of everything. I work on computers, muscle cars, and I sew and crochet. Not alot of straight guys like sewing purses and dresses, lol, but I do what I enjoy regardless of social bias.
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Recent Activity
- followed lana red 03 May 15:49
- favorited Bottle Lamp Diy 03 May 15:43
- replied to a comment on his profile 02 May 16:13
- followed Emmyann07 01 May 21:32
- followed mamatwitch 01 May 18:08
- posted a post to What to make from tie scraps? 01 May 15:56
- posted a post to fabric sources 01 May 15:47
- replied to a comment on his profile 01 May 15:43
- followed Lauren 30 Apr 23:44
- favorited Diy Mirrors 30 Apr 22:54
- followed Krista B. 30 Apr 22:53
- followed Geni Greenhill 30 Apr 22:31
myk3l9675 hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2013
Krista B.
Hydesville, California, US
44 projects
Sweet! Sewing is awesome. Can't wait
Krista B.
Hydesville, California, US
44 projects
An awesomely strait crochet purse, is a purse that a girl/woman would love and a strait guy made it with powers of style, knowledge, and personal sexual security.
Tacoma, Washington, US
Well, my crocheting isnt the best, so it will probably be a second before I make fashion pieces with it, . But I do love sewing, so thats probably where I am going to start posting projects from.
Krista B.
Hydesville, California, US
44 projects
Thanks for following!! Post an awesomely strait crochet purse or something!
Tacoma, Washington, US
Lol, whats an awesomely strait crochet purse? I do plan on posting a purse for my first project, lol.
Ravens Trove
Wenatchee, Washington, US
35 projects
Wow, thanks for the follow! Stay true to you. ;)
Tacoma, Washington, US
Thanks for the projects Lots of good stuff!