Tell us a bit about your home and what you love about it the most?
Cait - I'm in a really weird in-between stage of my life where I feel like I have a few homes but not really a home. I'm saving for a farm house which I hope to buy in the next few years. I currently live in a tiny two bedroom apartment on the top floor of a 2-story house in Wrigleyville (in Chicago, IL) with my roommate, Josh, and his dog, Pickles. The house is about 100 years old, and falling apart in a lot of places, but I have an amazing back deck where I work on many of my projects. The neighborhood is also unbeatable. We have a lot of little knick knacks and thrifty finds, which are all my favorites. If I had to pick, right now, I'd say my favorite home project is a bright yellow coffee table I made out of old shipping pallets
What was the first DIY project you did to your home or first thing you made for it?
Alex - When I moved into my apartment the first thing I did was paint the walls. White walls and beige carpet can be really depressing.
Do you have any tips for staying tidy & organised?
Caitlynn - Go vertical! I live in a teeny apartment and have really had to think outside of the box in terms of storage. My kitchen utensils are hung on a painted window shutter (which also hides the giant water heater in my kitchen), my makeup is hanging on a magnetic mirror on the wall, and my bathroom essentials are stored in an over-the-door shoe rack.
If you could tour any celebrities home, who would it be?
Alex - I have literally no idea. I guess Lauren Conrad because her blog has so many beautiful pictures and ideas. I would love to see if what her staff puts up on the blog and Pinterest is representative of her real home.
If you had three wishes, what changes would you make to your home?
If I had three wishes, my first wish would be that my home was larger so I had a lot more space. The second would be that I had a garage with tons of tools for projects. Finally, I wish I had a yard and some land. I'd be a lot craftier and more into decoration if I had a place of permanence, and wasn't renting.
Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?
Alex - crocheting, sewing, cooking, and anything home decor related. Other than crafts, I love running and outdoorsy things.