When did you first start knitting / crocheting and where did you learn?
fter my grandfather died, my grandmother lived by herself out in the country. With her deafness, it made communication kind of difficult between us. Knitting was the perfect way to bridge that gap. I would sit and knit, she would talk and tell me stories until I got stuck on something I didn't understand.
Can you remember the first thing you made?
I'm pretty sure it was a wrist cuff.
Who are your favourite pattern designers and celebrity knitters & crocheters?
There are way too many out there to choose!
What are your favourite things to stitch and do you have a favorite item you've made?
I love making hats, since they're so quick and so useful for my many bad hair days/bad haircut decisions. I love the picture crochet blankets I make as well. I've had so many people ask me how to do them, I decided to include tutorials on this site, along with some downloadable graphs!
What music/podcasts/TV shows do you love to stitch along to?
I tend to pick a series that is a little bit mindless when I'm working, and just put it on the tv. My giant Neil and Amanda blanket took up season 1 of the Vampire Diaries, and my current shrug is being made to Highlander the television series.
Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?
My only crafts are knitting and crochet, but hobby wise I also do aerial silks! It's a nice physical challenge, and fun!