DIY Superstar

City Of Creative Dreams

Decorate your home with #HomeDIYSuperstar Shanice from City Of Creative Dreams

Shanice Bannis
Toronto Ontario
Lifestyle Blogger

Tell us a bit about your home and what you love about it the most?

What I love about my home the most is that is it is small but it challenges me to come up with strategies and solutions to make it organized and decluttered at all times. It is an expression of who I am and how I am growing.

What was the first DIY project you did to your home or first thing you made for it?

The first thing I have created for my home was a bookcase from IKEA that I transformed into a custom wardrobe for my son who was a baby at the time.

Do you have any tips for staying tidy & organised?

Decluttering is key. You need to remove what you do not need or use in order to keep your home constantly organized. Also the use to bins and labels are great help for your home as well.

If you could tour any celebrities home, who would it be?

I would choose Ellen Degeneres home because she has a very cool style that she adds to the multiple homes she has.

If you had three wishes, what changes would you make to your home?

1) Add More Bedrooms. We are in a 3 bedroom apartment with six of us so it is a little tight at times. I would add in three more rooms so we no longer have to share rooms.

2) Add Another bathroom with a shower. It is such as simple thing but it makes the most sense for my home. With all of us one shower is not enough.

3) Larger Fridge, the kitchen needs more space for a larger fridge. I have dreams of a well organized fridge but with so many people in my family and a very small fridge it is next to impossible.

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

My other hobbies, are wedding planning. I launched a online wedding planning course for brides-to-be so that they can plan and organize their wedding with ease called Wedding Planning HQ.

I also love writing, I has my first play go on stage while I was in high school and I wrote a novel called Mailing Dreams. Those are some of my hobbies.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?


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Shanice Bannis
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