When did you first get in to cooking and do you remember the first recipe you tried?
I come from a family where there was always a lot of cooking and baking going on so I got in to it at a very young age, though the first thing I ever really tried on my own (besides the countless batches of cookies I made as a kid) might be my vegatables & mozzarella lasagne which I still make the same way at least once a month.
What's your kitchen like and how do you keep organized when cooking?
Since we've moved in to our new home last year we were very lucky to get a bigger kitchen but there is never room enough haha. I love to weigh and measure everything before I get started so that I can focus on the steps of the recipe and keep a clean(ish) working space.
What tips would you give to someone wanting to become a better cook?
Try A LOT and don't hesitate to ask the people around you. Don't be afraid to fail, when something goes wrong you learn and improve your recipe so it will get better and better everytime you try it. Also start with basic, simple recipes with little ingredients to get your cooking/baking skills going :)
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and what would you cook for them?
Ahhh let me think.. I would invite Jamie Oliver, Nigella Lawson, Bruno Mars (with Philip Lawrence) and Emily (from the blog cupcakesandcashmere.com). I'd make them a whole lot of smaller dishes to share around the table like a caprese salad, parmesan crusted chicken, skinbaked potatoes, homemade rustic tomatoe ketchup etc. For dessert I'd get some really good quality icecream in several flavours, slice up some fresh fruit and put out a bunch of bowls with all kinds of toppings and sauces so everyone could make their own sunday's. Wouldn't it be great if that really happened!
Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?
I love changing up our interior with little things like adding some vases or candles and bigger changes like spraypainting the lights or changing the color of the walls. Fashion and style are also one of my great love's which I also blog about on my website.