When did you first start knitting / crocheting and where did you learn?
About 8 years ago, a knitting group began meeting in the coffee shop where I worked. Initially I had no interest in learning to knit. I brought my embroidery with me. I was really just there for the good company. But one day, when I had no needlework on hand, they strong-armed me into learning to knit, and I was addicted from day 1.
Can you remember the first thing you made?
Yes, it was a purple cardigan for my daughter, who was 18 months at the time. Even though it was a basic cardigan pattern, I think my knitting friends thought I was nuts for starting with a sweater. But I finished it! She was only able to wear it one time. There were so many dropped stitches, it was basically a strangulation hazard.
Who are your favourite pattern designers and celebrity knitters & crocheters?
Tanis Gray- She's crazy talented. She helped me fall in love with cables!
Anna Hrachovec (Mochimochi Land)- Her knitting is adorable, and so is she.
Ryan Gosling- Duh.
What are your favourite things to stitch and do you have a favorite item you've made?
I love knitting toys and other 3-dimensional objects. I especially love to take a solid and serious, but beautiful object, and make it soft and fun. I also love to take something sinister, and make it cute and funny. Some of my favorite things I've knitted would be my Beheadable Ann Boleyn doll, the Bear-apocalyse, and a knitted concertina.
What music/podcasts/TV shows do you love to stitch along to?
This American Life, Radiolab, Modern Family, and I once knitted a sweater from start to finish during a Harry Potter Marathon.
Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?
Embroidery, gardening, baking, raising chickens, fishing, and chasing waterfalls.