Cut Out + Keep

Yoga Pants

maxi dress to yoga pants that are long enough for me! • Posted by piedad

I found a maxi dress at the salvation army. I traced the pattern from an old pair of yoga pa ts that fit but were too short. I sewed up the seams. Attached the two pany legs together. Then for the waist band I cut an old t ahirt that was stretchy and hugged my waist. I cut it straight across from armpit to armpit. Then sewed it to the top of the pants. Yay all done. Not perfect but I love them!!!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 30


Medium 20140210 190515 Medium 20140209 201230 Medium 20140210 190321


I found a maxi dress at the salvation army. I traced the pattern from an old pair of yoga pa ts that fit but were too short. I sewed up the seams. Attached the two pany legs together. Then for the waist band I cut an old t ahirt that was stretchy and hugged my waist. I cut it straight across from armpit to armpit. Then sewed it to the top of the pants. Yay all done. Not perfect but I love them!!!
