Cut Out + Keep

Woven Black Ribbon Chain Earrings

Equal parts hard and soft, these earrings go great with everything - especially black! • Posted by carlyjcais

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0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium done2 1298635265 Medium done1 1298635283 Medium materials 1298635408



  1. Small step1 1298635655

    Cut the curb chain into two lengths the size you want for your earring drops.

  2. Small step2 1298635659

    Connect the ends of the curb chain together with a jumpring for each earring.

  3. Small step4 1298635686

    Cut a long length of the jewelry wire. Thread one end into the jumpring holding the chain ends together for one of the earrings.

  4. Small step6 1298635876

    While holding the wire below the curb chain, thread the end of a long piece of the ribbon into the first link of the curb chain, wrap it around and below the wire, going from front, to back, and then to the front again. Keep the loop of ribbon loose until you pull the end back around and into the loop, then pull tight to knot the ribbon around the wire + chain link.

  5. Small step7 1298635923

    Weave the ribbon into the same link and towards the back, and down and around to the front again. One more time, loop it into the same link towards the back, but this time keep the loop loose, bring the ribbon end down and back around to the front, and into the loop. Pull tight to knot, and now move onto the chain link next to it.

  6. Small step8 1298635959

    Follow this weaving pattern through each link in the chain: ribbon in, loops around, knots, in and around again, and then in, loops around, and knots...and moves onto the next link.

  7. Small step9 1298636009

    By doing this you are not only disguising the wire below but are also creating a crochet-like look to the ribbon and the chain links.

  8. Small step10 1298636043

    Keep bending the wire around into a teardrop-shape as you follow the curve of the chain.

  9. Small step3 1298635670

    If you run out of ribbon, cut another long length of ribbon, and tie the new piece in a square knot with the piece that's just run out.

  10. Small step11 1298636057

    Pull the square knot into the looping-and-knotting pattern you've created around the inside of the earring loop.

  11. Small step5 1298635834

    Heat-seal the cut ends with an open flame and wrap them with the ribbon as you continue to weave and loop.

  12. Small step12 1298636076

    Once you reach the jumpring at the start of the teardrop, cut the wire (with about 1/2" to spare). Wrap the end of the ribbon around the jumpring a few times, and then trim the end and heat-seal it.

  13. Small step13 1298636103

    Wrap the ends of the wire around the ribbon ends so nothing gets loose.

  14. Small step14 1298636106

    Repeat steps 3) - 8) for the other earring chain piece.

  15. Small step15 1298636120

    Attach a jumpring and a french hook to the top of each chain piece.