personalized name pendant
I've been wanting a personalized name necklace for so long! but i just don't want to pay a bunch for it. So I was inspired by Mi.ezekatze's Zombie Necklace and decided to make this one.
R A. favorited Wire Name Pendant 25 Nov 14:48
Danielle M. added Wire Name Pendant to Necklaces 13 May 07:56
abigail r. added Wire Name Pendant to Jewellery 06 Feb 07:00
Kinhime Dragon favorited Wire Name Pendant 18 Jul 01:44
meges2381 favorited Wire Name Pendant 31 Jan 19:56
DocDoolittle favorited Wire Name Pendant 23 Aug 13:23
Elizabeth A. favorited Wire Name Pendant 08 Aug 04:37
Joyb22 favorited Wire Name Pendant 24 Jun 11:47
- Abnormal Abby added Wire Name Pendant to Jewellry 11 Jun 17:10
AnthemFlashback favorited Wire Name Pendant 06 Jun 03:53
nice touch.