White and gold, or blue and black?
After finals week ended, my roommate and I hit the mall for some therapeutic shopping. For me it was merely window shopping, but my roommate managed to find some jewelry that she liked. One was a pair of cascading earrings that I made in another tutorial (here: http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/cascading-diamond-earrings), but another was a floral necklace from Francesca's (see second image above), and when she asked for my opinion, a quick glance was all it took for me to assure her that I could make as a Christmas gift for her instead, since the design was quite similar to flowers I'd made before.
Progress on the necklace was delayed at first due to lack of proper materials, as my roommate insisted on finding the right tone of golden wire and chain for the project. But once I finally tracked down a suitably colored and priced coil of that golden wire during one of Fusion Beads' 30% off, free shipping sale days, the build process went smoothly to produce the tutorial staring back at you at this moment.
Key West Witch added Wire Flower Necklace to Jewelry 30 Jun 01:20
Kaiulani W. favorited Wire Flower Necklace 19 Nov 01:58
Alex Z. added Wire Flower Necklace to Интересное 12 May 17:16
Sara M. favorited Wire Flower Necklace 12 Mar 21:16
Deanna T. favorited Wire Flower Necklace 15 Oct 13:36
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Wire Flower Necklace 18 Jul 05:07
RareJewel favorited Wire Flower Necklace 12 Apr 09:23
CozyReverie added Wire Flower Necklace to Rapunzel Style 31 Mar 16:40
veronica f. favorited Wire Flower Necklace 10 Feb 17:06
Penny F. added Wire Flower Necklace to Accessories 17 Dec 10:57
You Will Need
Step 3
Then make another bend at the diamond's tip. The bend's sharpness depends on how many petals you want for the flower; more petals = sharper angle. I wanted 5 petals so the angle is about 72 degrees (360 degrees per circle divided by 5 petals) but just estimate this and adjust later. Use your guide again to form another adjacent petal; this is petal 2.
Step 17
Now, simply add your chain and clasp to either ends of the the chain of flowers to complete the entire necklace! My roommate found an adorable heart lobster clasp (under $1 online) so I used that for the clasp. For the chain, I suggest attaching one end of your chain supply to one end of the chain of flowers before draping the chain around your neck. Position where you want your necklace to sit along your upper chest and pinch where your chain meets the other end of the flower chain. Cut the chain at that spot before cutting that piece in half--now you have your two pieces of chain!