Cut Out + Keep

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Split apple with an angry worm! • Posted by Welandra

Yet again been doing odd things with mom. We were painting/ drawing shirts and fabric bags! Mom were drawing vegetables on her bag and started thinking if she should draw an apple on it too. I were still trying to find something to draw when it hit me! I laughed the whole time while drawing. After I were nearly finished, mom started laughing too. My co-workers liked my shirt too and I'm really happy with it. :D Done with fabric pens and markers.

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0 h 40


Pretty Easy
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Yet again been doing odd things with mom. We were painting/ drawing shirts and fabric bags! Mom were drawing vegetables on her bag and started thinking if she should draw an apple on it too. I were still trying to find something to draw when it hit me! I laughed the whole time while drawing. After I were nearly finished, mom started laughing too. My co-workers liked my shirt too and I'm really happy with it. :D Done with fabric pens and markers.
