Cut Out + Keep

Wench Outfits

Village wenches! • Posted by Janetrec

As I am in the River Rogues (dressing up as pirates to raise money for charity type of thing :-D) had to make two wench costumes in a week - the two blue ones in the pics for me and my sister Vicky. had the fabric (from ebay as usual) and used two different patterns for the dresses. Not the usual colours for pirates - red, black, white and mud-coloured being the accepted colours of piracy but I figured we were village wenches who just stalked the pirates!

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


15 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 10716 103496539663908 100000106861265 84688 7824592 n 1281796536 Medium dsc00109 1281796554 Medium sdc15308 1281796709 Medium 10716 103496432997252 100000106861265 84657 6937792 n 1281796736 Medium 9730 160162287844 715277844 3723677 1265974 n 1281796757 Medium 9730 161014572844 715277844 3735510 1187989 n 1281796777 Medium 10716 103496469663915 100000106861265 84668 715497 n 1281796822


As I am in the River Rogues (dressing up as pirates to raise money for charity type of thing :-D) had to make two wench costumes in a week - the two blue ones in the pics for me and my sister Vicky. had the fabric (from ebay as usual) and used two different patterns for the dresses. Not the usual colours for pirates - red, black, white and mud-coloured being the accepted colours of piracy but I figured we were village wenches who just stalked the pirates!
