Weekend Pickles

Easy 72 hour pickles you can make over a weekend.

Posted by MagicalGirlMaya


I love these pickles, and more importantly they are very easy to tweak to get exactly what you want out of them. You can make them sweet or sour!


You Will Need (7 things)

  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Garlic
  • Dill
  • Vinegar
  • Spices
  • Cucumbers

Steps (11 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1


    3 small pickling cucumbers

    1 clove garlic, I used the whole thing but you can add the garlic as fits your tastes

    2 tsp whole mustard seeds

    1/2 tsp pickling seasoning, if you add too much of this your pickles will be more bread & butter than dill

    6-8 pepper corns

    2/3 cup white vinegar

    1/3 cup flavored vinegar, I used apple cider

    1/3 cup water

    1/4 cup sugar

    1 Tbs salt

    Fresh dill, as much as desired

  2. 2

    First peel and crush your garlic.

  3. 3

    Cut the ends off of your cucumbers.

  4. 4

    Then cut your cucumbers in half and then into spears.

  5. 5

    Then go ahead and put them in your jar with your garlic.

  6. 6

    We didn't have enough room in the jar so we just cut the last one into medallions.

  7. 7

    Go ahead and cut up whatever amount of dill you want.

  8. 8

    Put everything in the jar.

  9. 9

    Lightly crush your mustard and black pepper corns.

  10. 10

    Mix your liquids, salt and sugar in a saucepan over low heat. Let it come to a simmer then add the spices and boil lightly for 5 minutes. Then skim off all of the spices that you can and pour the liquid into the jar on top of the cucumbers.

  11. 11

    You might need to add some vinegar to top it off. Then you’re done!

    Just let sit in the fridge for 72 hours and enjoy!