Watercolor Paints Made From Make Up

A great way to reuse old makeup!

Posted by Kin Dragon


I was inspired by a girl on social media who reuse old make up and makes them into watercolor paints.
I will admit I had to use a combination of my current watercolors and the watercolors I made to get the amazing results I got.
I love how it makes the picture shimmer!
The recipe was somewhat easy to understand (due to training I had to do for my occupation) but it was still a little difficult to make.

If I can figure out a way to make the recipe more "understandable" I will post a tutorial on how I did it. The artist who inspired me though has a video with the recipe in it though.
The artist that inspired me to make my own watercolors can be found on YouTube, Instagram and tik tok.
Her Instagram:
Her YouTube channel:

If you have any questions about the watercolor pictures feel free to ask me.


You Will Need (14 things)

  • watercolor made from make up

  • Honey
  • Prismacolor markers and pencils
  • Pencil
  • Eyeshadows or make up powders
  • homemade watercolor binder
  • Glass Muller and glass mixing stand (I don't know its proper name)
  • pictures I painted

  • Watercolor both homemade and store bought
  • Sharpie Pen(s) the kind that don't bleed through with or without water
  • Eraser
  • White Gel Pen for certain details
  • Colored Pens
  • Paint Brushes