Warcraft amigurumi strikes again...
Last month I posted pictures of an amigurumi draenei, based on it's World of Warcraft counterpart, and the pattern and inspiration generously supplied by the wonderful artoo1121
At the time, I promised I'd be fashioning my own character, the night elf druid Shazkin.
Well that day has finally come! Sorry it took so long to finish and upload, but I've been running all over the country these last 3 or 4 weeks, so haven't had much of a chance to sit down and finish her.
She doesn't have any accessories at the moment, as I seem to have run out of Fimo, and haven't bothered to leave the house to get more As a note: this includes her absent belt buckle. Woops!
I'll edit this post when I get around to making her some bits and pieces (like a hearthstone from before, and her Earthwarden hammer! Rawr!)
Like all good night elves, Shazkin likes to hang around in a natural surrounding...
I was thinking of making another model of Shazkin, but in her cat form. Does anyone know of any cute cat amigurumi patterns that I could take a lead from?
Thanks for looking!
WerewolfCas favorited Warcraft Amigurumi 29 Mar 09:58
WindStrider favorited Warcraft Amigurumi 21 Apr 19:34
You Will Need
Astrid C. posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!