Vintage Flower Broach/Clip

Make use of your old fabrics and turn it into something cool

Posted by Izzy and Emma's Channel xxx


jazz up your scraps of material to use it on you clothes or hair


You Will Need (2 things)

  • Lace
  • 1 Cotton Fabric (Your Old T Shirt)

Steps (11 steps, 240 minutes)

  1. 1

    take a flower template and transfer it onto paper or card cut it out

  2. 2

    trace it with a pen onto your fabric 5 times

  3. 3

    after you cut it out take your lace and cut out rough circles it does not have to be neat

  4. 4

    lay out all your fabric and needle you need

  5. 5

    fold in into quarters with the lace on the inside

  6. 6

    put it on one of you flowers in the centre

  7. 7

    sew two stitches on each sides of the quarter making sure it is as close to the corner as possible

  8. 8

    repeat these steps another three times

  9. 9

    it should look like this once you are finished

  10. 10

    fluff it up

  11. 11

    it should look like this you can add a clip or pin to wear or put as a broach.