Cut Out + Keep

Very Happy Moustache

A moustache to wear as a badge or on your face ;) • Posted by katie

i've made two types, some with elastic at the back so you can wear them and some with badge backs. i've made loads of these as they're really easy to make, the hardest bit is drawing out a good template.

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Pretty Easy
Medium p300410 22.08 1273601116 Medium p300410 22.00 1273601721 Medium p300410 21.58 1273601733


i've made two types, some with elastic at the back so you can wear them and some with badge backs. i've made loads of these as they're really easy to make, the hardest bit is drawing out a good template.


  1. Small p300410 19.48 1273601163

    Draw a template on paper and cut it out

  2. Small p300410 19.59 1273601196

    Fold a section of felt over and pin the template to the felt. Then cut round it so you have two pieces of brown felt then remove the template.

  3. Small p300410 21.39 1273601403

    if your a making it a moustache badge, attach a badge back and if you are making it into a moustache you can wear, attach the elastic. for the elastic tie a knot in the end and go through the back. Now sew a bit up

  4. Small p300410 21.47 1273601605

    when youve the top and one side of the bottom of the moustache fill it with stuffing.

  5. Small p300410 21.55 1273601706

    sew up the rest of the moustache and youre done! sorry if ive made this more complicated than it actually is - its actually really easy - but i hope the pictures help :)