I love these instant hot drinks and recycling!
I love buying these instant cappaccinos from the grociery store. I've always wondered what I could do with them.
Finally I have a solution!
I've given them a make over! They look cute and now I can use the to keep my loose teas fresh.
You could also use them to keep your craft desk organized, lol. I think next I'll make a whole set of them for small bits like buttons and left over ribbon or felt. I never want to throw the smallest bit of anything away!
Thanks and Enjoy!
Brittney S. added Up~Cycled Cappaccino Tin to Misc Other 07 Jul 05:51
Sarah Sylvia S. favorited Up~Cycled Cappaccino Tin 23 Jul 12:03
michelle d. favorited Up~Cycled Cappaccino Tin 19 Oct 16:14
Pam ^_^ entered her project Up~Cycled Cappaccino Tin to Craft-In Contest 01 Mar 00:59
Step 4
Blanket stitch your fabric, leaving the two shorter ends unstitched.
Also leave enough thread on each corner that you can tie them together in the next step!
If you dont know how to blanket stitch, you could substitute that for a ribbon or rick rack. Just something to give it a finished edge.
Step 5
Wrap your fabric around the tin and pin it in place.
If you need a little help, feel free to tack it down in a few places with some glue.
Next take the thread from the top left and right corners and tie them together, so it brings the fabric closed. Repeat with the bottom left and right threads.
Stitch closed the rest of the seam.
Step 6
Now it gets fun! You can decorate your tin anyway you want now.
Go crazy and have fun!
I found some cute puffy stickers, and I used tacky glue (in the clear gel) to glue them down. Then I stacked a few books on top of it to give it some pressure. And let it dry for a few hours, just to be sure.